This is just a bullet list of some of my current visions and goals. I'll post later about my strategies and lines of action.
- Learning to be a pure channel of God's grace.
- Learning to be more places, more of the time, where God can do more with me.
- Learning to be a better person, a better friend and a better neighbor.
- Practicing and promoting loving devotion to the best interests of our communities.
- Learning to better encourage and support more individual initiatives.
- Practicing and promoting fellowship across religious and other ideological divides.
- Special attention to some of the people around me that I see being stigmatized and marginalized the most.
- Learning to do more to help improve the lives of the most ravaged people in the world, near and far.
- Learning to better encourage and support people who are studying with me, in practicing what we're learning.
- Learning to better encourage and support all people in their progress in the path of God.
- Experimenting with Baha'i community-building principles and practices, in Internet communities.
- Practicing and promoting better conduct on the Internet.
- Practicing and promoting a more loving economy.
- Practicing and promoting richer and deeper communications.
- Helping to improve the quality of training for community building.
- Helping to develop training for other work above.