Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wayfarers and Artists

In recent years I've been learning to think of myself as an artist. I try to shape my life to visions I see in the writings of Baha'u'llah. In my 21 March post in Jim's Blog, I wrote about Tehching Hsieh, another person who is known for using his life as his artistic medium.

I've wondered a few times about how to exhibit my art, and I'm especially interested in that now. One of my recent works is about helping to check the disease of sectarian hatreds, which I see as the last stand for global violence, now that racism and nationalism have lost a lot their of popularity as pretexts for violence.

Last week I thought of exhibiting that in the form of a case study for research, and I started working on an example. Today I was thinking that case studies might not appeal to the field workers I most want to reach. Then I thought of exhibiting my works in the form of a wayfarer's tales.

Before I started this blog, I had started writing about some of my works in the form of a wayfarer's tales, for my own benefit. Sometimes I've longed for someone to talk to about my adventures. I've fantasized about being in Rivendell, surrounded by a group of elves eager to hear my tales.

I stopped here to search the Web for a virtual Rivendell, and I found one!

I started writing about some of my works as if I were telling my tales to some eager listeners in Rivendell. Some people told me they really enjoyed reading that. Usually my writing is not that fun to read. I've decided to start writing stories in that form, about my "life as art" works, and post them on some Web pages.

I searched the Web to see if anyone was already using the title "A Wayfarer's Tales," and I found this:

Welcome to Wayfarers Tales
"As a writer I got the chance to make a buck or two writing a few inspirational pieces. Once I started looking at the world that way it seemed like inspiration and wonder were all around!"

I've added a link to it here in my blog.

Then I searched for "life as art," and found this:
"I tend to see my life as a sculpture or work of art in progress, a continuous state of becoming."

There were many other "life as art" pages, but that's the one that's closest to what I'm thinking.

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