Thursday, January 8, 2009

It might be better to . . .

I want to try to describe and explain my feeling that it might be better for some of my friends, and for human progress, for them to:
- look deeper into what Baha'u'llah says about God's role and the role of His manifestations in human well-being and progress.
- practice and promote serving the interests of my House of Justice.

I won't be trying to substantiate those ideas. I will be trying to explain what I mean well enough that my friends can respond in ways that will help me see what they see, that I might be missing. I would like them to look deeper into what Baha'u'llah says, looking for possibilities they might be missing for improving their lives and improving the world. I'm trying to improve my practice of what I'm promoting, so I want to try to look deeper into what they're thinking and doing, looking for possibilities that I might be missing.

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