Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking deeper into the views of my Baha'i Watch journalists

I've been thinking that it might be better for my Baha'i Watch journalists, and for human progress, if they:
- Look deeper into what Baha'u'llah says about Himself, and about His role in human well-being and progress.
- Practice and promote serving the stated interests of the House of Justice, sharply distinguishing them from the possible interests of its members and representatives, the interests of members and representatives of other institutions, and the interests of Baha'i celebrities.

To improve my practice of what I'm promoting, I'm trying to look deeper into the views of my Baha'i Watch journalists about Baha'u'llah, about the betterment of the world, about the best possibilities in life, or about whatever is close to their hearts.

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